![]() |
Qt-based library for controlling FRC robots
This is the complete list of members for DS_Config, including all inherited members.
alliance() const | DS_Config | |
Alliance enum name | DS | |
allianceChanged(const Alliance alliance) | DS_Base | signal |
CodeStatus enum name | DS | |
codeStatusChanged(const CodeStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |
CommStatus enum name | DS | |
controlMode() const | DS_Config | |
ControlMode enum name | DS | |
controlModeChanged(const ControlMode mode) | DS_Base | signal |
cpuUsage() const | DS_Config | |
cpuUsageChanged(const int usage) | DS_Base | signal |
diskUsage() const | DS_Config | |
diskUsageChanged(const int usage) | DS_Base | signal |
DriverStation (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | friend |
DS_Config() (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | protected |
elapsedTimeChanged(int msecs) | DS_Base | signal |
elapsedTimeChanged(const QString &string) | DS_Base | signal |
enabledChanged(const EnableStatus status) | DS_Base | signal |
enableStatus() const | DS_Config | |
EnableStatus enum name | DS | |
fmsCommStatus() const | DS_Config | |
fmsCommStatusChanged(const CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |
getInstance() | DS_Config | static |
getStaticIP(int net, int team, int host) | DS | inlinestatic |
isConnectedToRadio() const | DS_Config | |
isConnectedToRobot() const | DS_Config | |
isEmergencyStopped() const | DS_Config | |
isEnabled() const | DS_Config | |
isFMSAttached() const | DS_Config | |
isRobotCodeRunning() const | DS_Config | |
isSimulated() const | DS_Config | |
kAllianceBlue enum value | DS | |
kAllianceRed enum value | DS | |
kCodeFailing enum value | DS | |
kCodeRunning enum value | DS | |
kCommsFailing enum value | DS | |
kCommsWorking enum value | DS | |
kControlAutonomous enum value | DS | |
kControlTeleoperated enum value | DS | |
kControlTest enum value | DS | |
kDisabled enum value | DS | |
kEmergencyStop enum value | DS | |
kEnabled enum value | DS | |
kNormal enum value | DS | |
kPosition1 enum value | DS | |
kPosition2 enum value | DS | |
kPosition3 enum value | DS | |
kSocketTypeTCP enum value | DS | |
kSocketTypeUDP enum value | DS | |
kVoltageBrownout enum value | DS | |
kVoltageNormal enum value | DS | |
libVersion() const | DS_Config | |
libVersionChanged(const QString &version) | DS_Base | signal |
logger() | DS_Config | protected |
m_alliance (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_codeStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_controlMode (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_cpuUsage (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_diskUsage (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_enableStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_fmsCommStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_libVersion (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_logger (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_operationStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_pcmVersion (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_pdpVersion (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_position (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_radioCommStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_ramUsage (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_robotCommStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_simulated (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_team (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_timer (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_timerEnabled (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_voltage (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
m_voltageStatus (defined in DS_Config) | DS_Config | private |
OperationStatus enum name | DS | |
operationStatus() const | DS_Config | |
operationStatusChanged(const OperationStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |
pcmVersion() const | DS_Config | |
pcmVersionChanged(const QString &version) | DS_Base | signal |
pdpVersion() const | DS_Config | |
pdpVersionChanged(const QString &version) | DS_Base | signal |
position() const | DS_Config | |
Position enum name | DS | |
positionChanged(const Position position) | DS_Base | signal |
radioAddressChanged(const QString &address) | DS_Base | signal |
radioCommStatus() const | DS_Config | |
radioCommStatusChanged(const CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |
ramUsage() const | DS_Config | |
ramUsageChanged(const int usage) | DS_Base | signal |
readSocket(QUdpSocket *socket) | DS | inlinestatic |
readSocket(QTcpSocket *socket) | DS | inlinestatic |
robotAddressChanged(const QString &address) | DS_Base | signal |
robotCodeStatus() const | DS_Config | |
robotCommStatus() const | DS_Config | |
robotCommStatusChanged(const CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |
setBrownout(bool brownout) | DS_Config | slot |
setEmergencyStop(bool estop) | DS_Config | slot |
setEnabled(bool enabled) | DS_Config | slot |
setRobotCode(bool code) | DS_Config | slot |
simulatedChanged(const bool isSimulation) | DS_Base | signal |
SocketType enum name | DS | |
statusChanged(const QString &status) | DS_Base | signal |
team() const | DS_Config | |
teamChanged(const int team) | DS_Base | signal |
timezone() | DS | inlinestatic |
updateAlliance(Alliance alliance) | DS_Config | slot |
updateControlMode(ControlMode mode) | DS_Config | slot |
updateCpuUsage(int usage) | DS_Config | slot |
updateDiskUsage(int usage) | DS_Config | slot |
updateElapsedTime() | DS_Config | privateslot |
updateEnabled(EnableStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updateFMSCommStatus(CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updateLibVersion(const QString &version) | DS_Config | slot |
updateOperationStatus(OperationStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updatePcmVersion(const QString &version) | DS_Config | slot |
updatePdpVersion(const QString &version) | DS_Config | slot |
updatePosition(Position position) | DS_Config | slot |
updateRadioCommStatus(CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updateRamUsage(int usage) | DS_Config | slot |
updateRobotCodeStatus(CodeStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updateRobotCommStatus(CommStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
updateSimulated(bool simulated) | DS_Config | slot |
updateTeam(int team) | DS_Config | slot |
updateVoltage(qreal voltage) | DS_Config | slot |
updateVoltageStatus(VoltageStatus statusChanged) | DS_Config | slot |
voltage() const | DS_Config | |
voltageChanged(const qreal voltage) | DS_Base | signal |
voltageChanged(const QString &voltageString) | DS_Base | signal |
VoltageStatus enum name | DS | |
voltageStatus() const | DS_Config | |
voltageStatusChanged(const VoltageStatus statusChanged) | DS_Base | signal |