A simple way to use joysticks with your Qt application
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CQJoystickAxisEventRepresents an axis event that can be triggered by a joystick
 CQJoystickButtonEventRepresents a button event that can be triggered by a joystick
 CQJoystickDeviceRepresents a joystick and its properties
 CQJoystickPOVEventRepresents an POV event that can be triggered by a joystick
 CQJoystickRumbleRepresents a joystick rumble request
 CQJoysticksManages the input systems and communicates them with the application
 CSDL_JoysticksTranslates SDL events into QJoysticks events
 CVirtualJoystickTranslates keyboard input to joystick input